Take enterprise networking to the next level with SD-WAN

Published by Colt Technology Services on March 19, 2024

You deserve better connectivity.

Today’s businesses need a network that supports modern applications and is in tune with how a modern workforce wants to consume applications. In short, they want a network that can support them from anywhere and help them face an increasingly digital future with confidence. 

Instead, network managers find themselves tethered to the past. They’re running hard to keep up while actually standing still thanks to legacy connectivity, such as MPLS or older WAN setups, which is often made up of many disparate parts. Either way, it’s giving them a headache that is complex, costly and dependent on tricky integration skills just to keep the show on the road. The result is that end users on the ground are also being hindered from what they want to do, their creativity stifled and their productivity put on a leash. 

It’s time for a new approach that can deliver much-needed levels of performance, reliability and security, something actually designed to support modern applications and new ways of working. This is why we are seeing accelerated demand for intelligent, agile SD-WAN solutions.  

SD-WAN is the enemy of complexity, freeing you to both address current market opportunities and get ready for future ones, all without having to keep spending money on maintaining a tired legacy past. With simplification comes the agility and visibility you need. It lets you support the best of all worlds and lets you see what’s really happening across your network. 

You don’t need to get rid of the mature technologies, like MPLS, that have served you well. SD-WAN lets you manage all that, plus the internet access you require for multiple public cloud platforms, all in one manageable place. It lets you grab back control, allowing you to configure single or multiple devices as you want. Your applications will perform better, and sharper network optimisation is enabled through the use of AIOps.  

Modern workforces, and indeed the whole digital economy, requires connectivity in tune with today’s cloud-based applications. Think about the collaboration tools that keep us all going and the essential apps that live on platforms like Azure and Google Cloud. Consider how people want to be flexible in how and where they work. 

Network services can be used, provisioned and orchestrated in real-time, according to need. Cloud-delivered SD-WAN is easily deployed and flexes fast to let you meet new requirements and add new locations. It’s on-demand connectivity for an on-demand economy. 

By choosing Colt SD-WAN, overlaid by VMware’s leading WAN edge service platform, you gain the economics and flexibility of a self-healing virtual WAN with the deployment speed, scalability and automation of cloud-delivered services. It’s a partnership that allows enterprises of any size, in any sector and regardless of geography to support new application growth, achieve agility in IT and networking, simplify WAN operations, and deliver optimised access to cloud and SaaS applications.  

Find out more here about Colt and VMware’s partnership here. 

Borja Marin is Global Product Manager IPVPN & SD WAN at Colt

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