Colt Hybrid On-Net

For more information, please contact us on:

+44(0) 20 7863 5510
[email protected]

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Market Needs

At Colt, we complement our own (on net) infrastructure with the (off net) infrastructure of Other Licensed Operators (OLO), practically reselling the infrastructure of those OLOs.

However, in certain key metropolitan areas where we previously only had OLO tails available, we offer capabilities that are closer to Colt’s on net infrastructure than to OLOs’.

Hybrid On Net allows Colt to co-build a network that partially uses the passive dark fibre of selected metro suppliers (Fibre Network Operators – FNO), bringing capabilities and pricing closer to Colt’s on net infrastructure, and playing the role of a market aggregator. The new capabilities play to the advantage of our customers.

Hybrid On Net consists of installing Colt-owned packet and/or optical equipment in a data centre within the targeted metro. Colt will also install a CPE in the customer premises, enabling Colt to manage the service end-to end. The FNO then presents the dark fibre from the retail building to Colt’s IQ Network packet or optical equipment.

There will be some Off Net service delivery aspects that have to do with the ownership of the fibre by the FNO but the product capability will be closer to being On Net, with Colt providing management and monitoring of the equipment.

Who benefitsKey benefits of Hybrid On Net to Colt customers

  • Extended Footprint

    Colt customers will have access to a wider metro network footprint in chosen locations where only costly OLO tails were previously available.

  • Simplified Journey

    Colt customers will see their buying journey significantly simplified by minimising the number of fibre suppliers in approved locations.

  • Guaranteed Quality

    In Hybrid On Net, Colt guarantees the quality our customers are used to by
    managing the customer premises equipment.

Colt Consultancy Services