Service Provider Directory

Capital Markets services

Contact a specialist

When you join Colt PrizmNet, you gain access to an established, rapidly expanding global community of exchanges, market venues, and securities service providers — all listed in the service provider directory on the PrizmNet portal.

If there's a service or data vendor you'd like to see added, talk to our Capital Markets team.

Exchanges and market venues

Colt PrizmNet provides access to exchanges and other market venues (including ATSs, ECNs, ETFs, OTCs and PTSs) worldwide. To help you start trading quickly at a new venue or in a new asset class, we make sure lead times are minimised.

MiFID II & regulatory compliance

Colt PrizmNet lets you connect quickly and easily to providers of reporting and other services designed to help you comply with regulations.

In particular, a number of PrizmNet providers offer trade reporting, algo testing and other services to help you get ready for MiFID II compliance.

Market data, analytics & other services

Via Colt PrizmNet you can receive market data feeds from multiple vendors; and access a wide range of other services such as:

  • Analytics and data management
  • Trading software
  • OEMS
  • Global corporate actions data
  • Big data storage facilities
  • Enterprise software solutions

Learn more

Want to learn more about our Financial Extranet?
Check out the rest of our products below.

PrizmNet Portal
Colt PrizmNet, a financial extranet connecting the global capital markets ecosystem.

Are you ready to meet the complex requirements of the MiFID II directive?

Colt PrizmNet case study: global asset manager

A single connection to Colt PrizmNet gives a global asset management firm access to the global capital markets ecosystem..

PrizmNet Portal

PrizmNet Online, our self-service portal, is your easy-to-use interface to Colt PrizmNet.


Colt PrizmNet now connects 50+ providers worldwide

Colt PrizmNet continues to grow and now connects over 50 exchanges and providers of financial content and services to more than 10,000 organisations worldwide..