Colt PrizmNet

Colt PrizmNet financial extranet
Colt PrizmNet: connect to the capital markets ecosystem
In today’s competitive capital markets landscape, market participants need to move fast to seize new opportunities. For many of these firms, accessing the right content and services – on time – remains a challenge.
Are you a provider of financial services, applications or market data looking to reach a growing community of capital markets participants? What if you could ensure rapid, reliable access to your services? What if your services could be delivered over a robust, scalable, transparent, low-latency infrastructure dedicated to capital market participants that could manage market spikes and expanding data volumes?
The Colt PrizmNet financial extranet connects exchanges and other providers of financial content – including market data, research and other services – to an ecosystem consisting of over 10,000 capital markets firms worldwide. It is based on a private network owned by Colt with deterministic low latency, guaranteeing a reliable, consistent, and transparent content delivery to firms worldwide.
The financial extranet has been designed in consultation with a range of investment banks, assets managers, brokers and other financial services providers. It will enable you to reach a growing community of capital markets firms that wish to take advantage of new services and content to support their trading strategies.
The Colt PrizmNet community
Colt has been serving the financial sector for over 20 years. Its reach has grown significantly with the acquisition of the specialist market data and service provider MarketPrizm in 2011 and KVH in 2014, an Asian telecoms operator with a focus on the financial sector.
Today Colt offers an extensive network spanning 200+ cities and a community of 10,000 financial sector firms worldwide. These assets underlie the Colt PrizmNet financial extranet offering.
Why does that matter? Colt PrizmNet financial extranet leverages Colt’s award winning and highly secure Ethernet-based network. That means your content and services are delivered over a highly reliable and scalable network with guaranteed low and deterministic latency to firms worldwide.
But more importantly, Colt’s established presence in the financial sector provides you with rapid access to a growing community of capital markets firms. With Colt PrizmNet, you can connect to the capital markets ecosystem.
Colt at a glance
- Global reach and network connections into 200+ cities
- 24k+ buildings directly connected
- 25k+ customers in 86 countries
- 30+ carrier neutral Colt data centres
- 560+ connected 3rd party data centres
- 50+ market data feeds
- Direct market access to 50+ cross asset class venues
- Exchange colocation at 25+ venues globally
The Colt PrizmNet solution
Self-service portal
- The portal enhances client experience by allowing you to manage technical configuration data and workflows for connection approval. It also gives potential customers of your services the ability to browse, get quotes and order new services online.
Advanced network reporting
- The Colt PrizmNet portal also offers near real-time network performance reporting of all services and highly granular reporting intro traffic flows.
Superior business focused SLAs
- The financial extranet is supported by Colt’s highly reliable and secure network, meaning we have full control over its delivery. That translates into superior service and delivery SLAs, covering availability, performance, delivery and response times. Moreover, our highly responsive capital markets support desk enables a seamless onboarding and servicing experience.
Reliable and deterministic latency
- The private, dedicated infrastructure provides a secure communications platform with guaranteed deterministic low latencies. The engineering, traffic routing and network servicing have been designed to meet the requirements of capital markets firms.
Key Benefits
Global reach
rapid access to an ever-growing community of 10k+ capital markets participants
Guaranteed deterministic latencies
Guaranteed deterministic latencies for the delivery of content and services
Self-service portal
Self-service portal for easy access to the capital markets ecosystem
Superior SLA´s
Superior SLAs and near real time network performance monitoring
About Colt Capital Markets
Colt delivers highly secure, on-demand services that are designed to meet the stringent requirements and speed of the financial markets.
Our Capital Markets offering brings together a specialised team of experts and the ownership and control of the underlying infrastructure – from the fibre in the ground to the overlaying infrastructure.
More than 400 Capital Markets firms worldwide rely on Colt to help them maintain and grow their market share.
Our history in serving the needs of Capital Markets firms started in the City of London over 20 years ago and expanded into the key financial hubs in Europe, Asia and North America. Following the acquisition and integration of MarketPrizm in 2011 and KVH in 2014, Colt has the service portfolio and reach to support Capital Markets firms on a global scale.