Colt help

Uploading a document

To upload a document:

  1. Click Admin, then click Documents.

    Control Center lists all documents you have access to for your organization.
Upload Document Agreement
  1. Review the upload agreement, then click AGREE & CONTINUE.
Upload New Document
  1. From the Customer Number and Billing Account Number lists, select the customer number and billing account number you want the document to be listed for. (By default, Control Center makes the document available for all customer numbers and billing account numbers under your enterprise ID.)
  1. From the Document Type list, select the type of document you're uploading. (For example, if you're uploading a document with information for managing security services for your organization, select Security.)
  1. In the User Access section, select who in your organization can have access to the file you're uploading:

    • If you want everyone in your organization to have access to the document, select All Users.

    • If you want to specify people who can access the document, select Specific Users, select the checkbox for the user(s) you want to have access.
  1. Click Choose File, browse to the file you want to upload, then click Open.
  1. In the Description field, type a description for the document (such as the document title or purpose).
  1. Click UPLOAD.

    Control Center adds the document to the list of account documents. For the next 30 days, Control Center lists the document as new.