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Network support: How traceroute works

Traceroute #8 shows an increase in latency at hop 3 but no latency after that. This is another common example of traceroute being misleading. Notice there’s no latency to the intended destination of Ping #1 confirms this as well.


Ping #1




Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=124
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=124
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=124
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=124


Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 4ms, Average = 3ms

Traceroute #8




Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops


1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  SVL_FA0-0 []
2     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  SEA_Fa0-1 []
3    68 ms   319 ms   159 ms  MIN_Fa0-0 []
4     4 ms     3 ms     3 ms  OMH_Se0-1 []
5     6 ms     4 ms     4 ms


Trace complete.

There’s a clear discrepancy. Ping#1 between and shows no latency at all, traceroute #9 shows no latency between and, yet traceroute #8 shows latency at hop 3. Why is this? To answer this we need to know the specific details of how traceroute operates which are shown below.


Traceroute #9 confirms no latency in the reverse path:


Traceroute #9




Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops


1     3 ms     1 ms     1 ms  OMH_Et0-0 []
2     3 ms     2 ms     2 ms  TUL_Se0-1-0-0 []
3     5 ms     5 ms     5 ms  PHX_Et1-1 []
4     5 ms     4 ms     4 ms  SVL_Se0-0 []
5     4 ms     4 ms     4 ms


Trace complete

In this example we go over Traceroute #8

  1. The red arrow shows the start of the traceroute – as soon as the traceroute command is entered at the host sends out an IP probe (either ICMP or UDP) with a TTL of 1. The packet enters the SVL router and the TTL is decremented to zero.
  1. Because the TTL is zero, SVL sends back an ICMP TTL exceeded message to the source of the probe packet ( The ingress interface at SVL (Fa0/0 - is used as the source IP address of the ICMP time exceeded message and therefore this IP shows up in Traceroute #8.

    • Hosts/Routers will send out three probes for each “hop”. Three probes with TTL 1, three probes with TTL 2 and so on. This is why there are three different latency measurements for each hop. In the explanation, here we refer to each probe in succession (1st probe TTL 1, 2nd probe TTL 2, etc). Other tools like MTR and PingPlotter will send more than three probes.

Traceroute #8

Traceroute eight
  1. After the ICMP TTL exceeded message is received at the host sends out the 2nd probe with a TTL of 2.
  1. SVL receives the probe:

    1. Decrements the TTL to 1.

    2. Sends the probe to SEA.
  1. SEA receives the probe:

    1. Decrements the TTL to 0.

    2. Sends the ICMP TTL exceeded message to with a source IP of (Fa0/1). Now shows up in the traceroute since it was the source IP of the TTL exceeded message.
Traceroute eight b
  1. When the host ( receives the ICMP TTL exceeded message it sends out the 3rd probe with TTL 3.
  1. SVL receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 2 and forwards the packet to SEA.
  1. SEA receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 1 and forwards the probe to MIN.
  1. MIN receives the probe and decrements the TTL to 0. Since the TTL is at 0, it sends an ICMP TTL exceeded message back to with a source IP of Fa0/0 (

    Notice the path difference this particular ICMP TTL exceeded message takes. The first two used SVL and/or SEA while this most recent one goes through DVR and PHX.
Traceroute eight c
  1. The host receives the ICMP TTL exceeded message and sends out the 4th probe with TTL 4.
  1. SVL receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 3 and forwards the probe to SEA
  1. SEA receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 2 and forwards the probe to MIN.
  1. MIN receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 1 and forwards the packet to OMH.
  1. OMH receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 0 and sends the TTL exceeded message back to the host ( with its source IP of Se0/1 (
Traceroute eight d
  1. The host receives the ICMP TTL exceeded message and sends out the 5th probe with TTL 5.
  1. SVL receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 4 and forwards the packet to SEA.
  1. SEA receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 3 and forwards the probe to MIN
  1. MIN receives the probe, decrements the TTL to 2 and forwards the probe to OMH.
  1. OMH receives the probe decrements the TTL to 1 and forwards the probe to
  1. receives the probe decrements the TTL to 0 and sends a reply back to the host ( – In this case since the probes have been ICMP echo requests the far right host ( sends back an ICMP echo reply, this is how the left host ( knows to stop sending the probes, because it received an ICMP echo reply rather than an ICMP TTL exceeded message.

    Some routers will send UDP probes rather than ICMP. These UDP probes will use a high destination port (> 30,000). The replies in that case will also be TTL exceeded messages at each hop with the final reply being an ICMP port unreachable message. The final hop in that case isn’t listening on the high port and this is the reason for the port unreachable message. This is the method for the router to know to stop sending probes as it receives the port unreachable message rather than the TTL exceeded message.
Traceroute eight e

Looking at the diagram below, you can see why Traceroute #8 looks the way it does.


Out of all the probes and TTL exceeded messages the only packet to traverse the congested link, depicted with the bolded red arrow between MIN and DVR, is the TTL exceeded message generated by MIN. The rest of the packets traverse one or more links in the top (SVL  > SEA > MIN > OMH) or bottom (OMH > TUL > PHX > SVL) paths.


For traceroute its possible for every packet, whether the probes or the TTL exceeded message, to take a path unique of the other traceroute packets. In the forward path for example probes may take different paths to reach the destination; this can happen if multipath is enabled for example. In the reverse path TTL exceeded messages can take different paths than the probes in asymmetric routing environments (the internet for example).


In this example the latency increase at hop 3 would not be a concern as it relates to performance between and This is because traffic between these two hosts never traverses the congested link (MIN > DVR). The forward path follows the top of the diagram (SVL > SEA > MIN > OMH) and the reverse path follows the bottom of the diagram (OMH > TUL > PHX > SVL).

Traceroute eight f