


Colt Private Ethernet

Ethernet Services Private Ethernet Private Ethernet is a layer 2 point-to-point service delivered over both fibre and equipment that is dedicated to a single customer – this provides maximum security. In addition customers can choose the fibre path that their Private Ethernet network is routed over, giving maximum flexibility. Colt Private Ethernet is a metro…


Ethernet VPN

Ethernet Services Ethernet VPN Colt Ethernet VPN (Virtual Private Network) for business is ideal for connecting distributed business sites that need to communicate regularly and transparently with each other. Each location is simply connected to a fast Colt business Ethernet VPN which provides connectivity between all sites and VPN. Colt is an award-winning Ethernet service provider that offers…


Colt Ethernet Hub & Spoke

Ethernet Services Ethernet Hub & Spoke A cost effective and manageable way of connecting a large number of sites to a head office, data centre or carrier hotel. Our Ethernet Hub and Spoke Managed WAN Services provide a fully managed point to multi-point solution. Ethernet Hub and Spoke is a ‘one to many’ architecture that…


Colt Ethernet Line

Ethernet Services Ethernet Line Colt has gained the status of an award-winning managed business ethernet service provider. Managed Ethernet services are the answer for many businesses, whether it be SMEs, major enterprises, carriers, operators or others requiring a business-class connectivity solution. Ethernet Line is a best in class layer 2 E-Line service that allows you…





Colt、CiscoセグメントルーティングおよびEthernet VPNによる新たなサービスを予定を繰り上げ提供開始

ロンドン発- 広帯域ネットワークサービスを高速かつオンデマンドで提供し、お客様のデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを実現するColt テクノロジーサービス(以下、「Colt」)および Cisco は本日、Coltのヨーロッパ、米国およびアジアのパケット・ネットワークのアップグレードで重要なマイルストーンを…
