Our approach to Data Privacy


Binding Corporate Rules and ISO27701 Certifications

Colt BCRs are the golden privacy certification approved by three European Data Protection Authorities, as well as the European Data Protection Board, which allows Colt to have the highest recognition in privacy that a group of companies can have.

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While this man works, his notebook sits beside him

Data Privacy Statement

Your trust in how we process your information is critical to us. Learn how we collect and use your information in our Data Privacy Statement. Colt does not share, sell, rent or trade personal data with third parties for promotional purposes.

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outside shot of a trendy office

Cookies Policy

Colt uses tracking technologies such as Cookies to help improve our user experiences across our tools and systems. Find out more about your privacy and consent options within our dedicated policy page.

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Individual Rights

Should you wish to excercise your privacy rights, as an employee, candidate or customer, we have a collection of downloadable templates you can use to help identify yourself, and state your data privacy request.

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Our Goals & Privacy Policy

The purpose of data privacy and protection is to safeguard and protect, in the context of personal data processing, the public freedoms and fundamental rights of natural persons, especially their reputation and personal privacy.

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Privacy Statements for Colt Products