A day in the life of a Colt Engineer – Aarushi Sharma
Published by Colt Technology Services on June 23, 2021
Today, 23rd June, is International Women in Engineering Day, so we took the opportunity to speak to Aarushi Sharma about a typical day in her life and role in incident jeopardy management in Gurgaon, India.
Aarushi joined Colt in 2014 as a Change Manager, and in the past seven years has taken every opportunity to learn and grow. Aarushi is now a Technical Lead in the Incident Jeopardy Management team.
First thing in the morning, I like to…
Meditate. The morning is a crucial time to set the tone for the rest of my day. Working in 24/7 operations means every day is different, so if I don’t have to log on immediately, I go outside in the sun for a short walk or make a cup of coffee and read the newspaper.
In my role I’m responsible for…
All incident-related teams in Network Operations and closely monitoring business activity, including service requests, problem processes and workstreams. My key responsibility is to minimise any negative impact on the customers.
I’m also responsible for handling process and quality improvement projects in the Operations department, which I do by driving and governing process documentation, as well as supporting incident escalations where customer experience is at risk of being jeopardised.
On a typical day…
I review the team dashboard and organise the queue management. We have different dashboards for each stage of the standard incident process, then work with a range of teams in Operations to fulfil the requests made on my team.
I also work on my individual assigned projects for process and quality enhancements, and I sometimes run training sessions on incident management processes.
The most challenging part of my job…
Aligning all teams to be on the same page. We are always trying new things to find the best way of working, so it’s sometimes difficult to influence people and implement the new way of working because not everybody likes change.
But one thing I’ve learned so far is, “If I wish for it and know it will work, then I will make it happen”. I like challenging roles because it helps me push myself to become better every day.
The best part of my job…
Is supporting different teams within NetOps and helping them work in the most successful way possible, which in turn enhances our customers’ experience.
After work…
I spend time with my family, play some online games and experiment with new tasty recipes. I also enjoy travelling with my friends – we like to go trekking and camping in the mountains together.
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