A day in the life of a Colt Engineer – Mireia Sospedra
Published by Colt Technology Services on June 23, 2021
Today, 23rd June, is International Women in Engineering Day, so to mark the day we took the opportunity to speak to Mireia Sospedra about a typical day in her life as an incoming Mechanical Engineer in Barcelona.
Mireia joined Colt Data Centre Services (DCS) in September 2019, as a DCS Engineering Graduate. Over the past 20 months, Mireia has rotated through the Operations, Lifecycle Design, and Commercial teams. From September, she’ll start a permanent role as a Mechanical Engineer in the Major Builds Design team.
First thing in the morning, I like to…
Switch on the news while having my breakfast, to stay informed about everything that’s going on in the world. I find it sets me up for the day and keeps me in the loop of what’s going on outside the office.
In my role I’m responsible for…
Owning and managing a capacity management tool that I created to produce an in-depth asset management review pack per site. In my previous rotations in the Operations team, I worked alongside site and country managers on day-to-day operations of the data centre infrastructure in Spain.
In the Lifecycle Design team, I worked on electrical, mechanical, and BMS projects around the globe, upgrading and replacing the existing equipment on current data centres. I was involved in all stages of the project, from feasibility to implementation.
In a typical day…
Day-to-day, I work towards longer-term goals I have to improve systems and gather insights. It can involve a whole range of things, such as producing a design brief for a lifecycle design project, following-up on ongoing projects from both the operations and design points of view, and team meetings to decide how to proceed.
The most challenging part of my job…
Understanding the intricacies of each data centre. They are all unique, so when working on an upgrade or replacement project it’s crucial to understand every element of the site infrastructure.
The best part of my job…
Being involved with such a diverse range different teams and departments. Every day I get to interact with colleagues from different countries and speak different languages, all while working as a team to move projects forward.
After work…
I enjoy spending time with my friends, many of which I’m lucky to have known for years and still live nearby to.
Music is also really important to me. I’m part of a percussion band with ten other girls. We create our own songs and play at local festivals and events, and I also enjoy playing the piano, guitar and ukulele with my twin sister!
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