Stuart Brameld

What is dedicated internet access?

May 22, 2024

Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) is a premium internet service that provides businesses with a direct and private connection to the…

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While this man works, his notebook sits beside him

What is Cloud Connect?

March 27, 2024

| 15 min read What is Cloud Connect? IP connect, cloud connect, direct connect, dedicated interconnect, direct link, fast connect…

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What Are Leased Lines? A Buyer’s Guide

February 16, 2024

What are leased lines? A leased line is a dedicated connection that provides a private, fixed-bandwidth data link exclusively for…

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A Colt-branded electric car, in front of a Colt data centre

What is IP transit?

February 2, 2024

IP Transit, or Internet Transit, is a networking service offered by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that allows networks to connect…

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Berlinale 2022

February 2, 2022

A smooth transition to digital content for one of the world’s largest public film festivals Berlinale

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Dr Sagar Pradhan

September 15, 2021

This Humans of Colt story is a special crossover with our Sustainability matters initiative, to celebrate the launch of our…

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SASE: disruptive change or gradual evolution?

July 27, 2021

There’s a lot of talk about Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), but what does it really mean? The term itself…

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Colt is recognised with Frost & Sullivan’s 2021 European Customer Value Leadership Award

March 24, 2021

  Based on its recent analysis of the European business network services market, Frost & Sullivan has recognised Colt with…

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A Colt junction box with many cables

How we’re providing laptops to schools to help keep children connected

March 17, 2021

Connectivity has always mattered at Colt. Over the next few months we’re replacing all laptops used by our employees which are over five years old and giving the old ones to schools across the globe.

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Choose to Challenge; Tanya shares her thoughts on International Women’s Day

March 8, 2021

To mark International Women’s Day, we asked some of our female leaders at Colt for their thoughts and the importance of representation, inspiration and challenging gender stereotypes in making positive change. Dr Tanya Goldhaber, who holds a PhD in Engineering and is Global Strategy Manager in Colt’s CEO Office, shares her view.

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Connecting the Capital Markets in the SDN era: a new approach

August 31, 2020

Connectivity has always been at the heart of the capital markets and it’s an area currently undergoing considerable change.

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A guide to migrating from Skype For Business to Microsoft Teams

August 11, 2020

Microsoft Teams has the potential to significantly improve productivity, but the migration needs to be managed carefully.

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Stuart Brameld