Colt’s Sustainability Champions win a mission to Antarctica
Published by Colt Technology Services on November 8, 2021
Sustainability is a core ingredient of Colt’s DNA and its future business strategy. As part of our sustainability journey we are committed to achieving global net zero emissions for our own operations by 2030 – key to this are the recently announced comprehensive, science-based emissions reduction targets, which are approved by the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
Environmental awareness is at the heart of everything we do and we know that sustainability matters at all levels of the organisation. Everyone and anyone can make a positive impact, and at Colt we encourage our employees to live as sustainability as possible, and we celebrate those that do.
Colt’s Sustainability Champion Award was created by Keri Gilder, our CEO, and celebrates Colties who work or live in a sustainable way, are pioneers for sustainability, and inspire others with their green actions.
We’re delighted to announce that after a considerable process, Patrick Godden, Global Alliance Manager, and Sally Lands, Personal Assistant, have been named our Sustainability Champions and won this very special CEO Award. Our two Champions were chosen by Keri, Colt’s ELT and polar explorer and environmental leader Robert Swan, OBE.
Robert was the first person to walk to both the North and South Poles and has dedicated his life to the preservation of Antarctica through the promotion of recycling, renewable energy and sustainability to combat the effects of climate change.
Patrick and Sally will be joining Robert for a once in a lifetime opportunity on his ‘2041 ClimateForce Antarctica Expedition’ next March. The expedition’s mission will inspire definitive action towards the preservation of Antarctica. Robert’s trip will start in Ushuaia, Argentina, and then our winners set off for the Antarctic Peninsula on the Ocean Atlantic expedition ship.
This is an incredible opportunity and well deserved by Patrick and Sally! We’re excited to see how both our Champions use this experience and their ideas to help drive our own sustainability agenda here at Colt on their return.
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