Reliable voice and video communications for Novencia

Colt partner Drax integrated a Microsoft-certified session border controller (SBC) with Novencia’s existing Colt IP Access and SIP Trunking services to provide connectivity for MS Teams video and voice calls

Colt integrates MS Teams with SIP Trunking, IP Access and a session border controller to provide reliable connectivity for internal and external voice and video communications.

Business drivers – why transform communications?

Novencia wanted to make it simpler for its people to communicate and collaborate from client sites and other remote locations.

Novencia supports its clients’ digital transformation with end-to-end services covering consultancy, design and development, data management and change management. As an international firm with many of its people working on client sites, Novencia wanted to make it easy for everyone to keep in touch. Its IPBX-based phone system was ageing and complex to manage, and the video capability was difficult to use. With Microsoft 365 already rolled out, CIO Matthieu Zilliox saw the potential to use Microsoft Teams instead.

Why Colt?

Colt integrates MS Teams with SIP Trunking, IP Access and a session border controller to provide reliable connectivity for internal and external voice and video communications.

Jean-Michel Bilcik, Director at Drax, proposed Colt’s Intelligent Communications solution. As a Microsoft partner, Colt integrates Microsoft 365 with the Colt IQ Network to provide reliable, high-bandwidth connectivity that supports voice and video calls as well as access to cloud apps.

Our partner

A long-term Colt partner, Drax specialises in enterprise IT and telecoms solutions. Drax partners exclusively with market leaders like Colt to deliver high-quality, innovative services its clients can depend on. Drax already provided the firm with Colt IP Access (for internet connectivity) and SIP Trunking (for VoIP).

The solution

Colt integrated a Microsoft-certified session border controller (SBC) with Novencia’s existing Colt IP Access and SIP Trunking services to provide connectivity for MS Teams video and voice calls. Users download MS Teams to their laptops and mobile phones. Individuals can also be allocated phone numbers so that they can receive external calls directly.

The result

Seamless rollout of a solution that delivers cost savings, reduces risk and increases flexibility; and helps Novencia gain more value from its Microsoft investment

Business outcomes

Following a successful proof of concept with ~30 users, the solution was rolled out to users in all locations. Almost everyone now uses MS Teams for voice and video calls and instant messaging; the firm also uses it to hold conference calls and live events. As well as helping people to be more productive, the solution is saving Novencia money: voice calls cost less, and there’s no need to invest in corporate mobile phones.

“Because users have MS Teams on their personal phones, they don’t have to carry a work phone as well. And if someone leaves the firm, we can intervene immediately to redirect client calls” – M. Zilliox

Why Colt was selected

“We prioritise quality of service and a long-term relationship over rock-bottom pricing. That’s why we chose Drax and Colt and why we stay with them.” – M. Zilliox


Switchover to the new solution was fast and seamless, and completely transparent for Novencia’s clients. Completion just before France’s pandemic-driven lockdown was imposed, meant that Novencia had all the right tools for working from home.

“We carried on working as normal, including holding our regular weekly meetings. The  quality of the Colt service was perfect, even on the first morning when they must have been handling millions more connections than usual.” – M. Zilliox




Consultancy - IT and services


To make it simpler for its people to communicate and collaborate from client sites and other remote locations


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