Self Billed Invoice

In line with Colt’s desire to improve the output to it’s customers, we have developed a new self bill.

We’ve made it easier to read, ensured clearer details of our services, your revenue and costs, with new information so that you may get the complete picture. We’ve broken down the changes into sections so you can see what’s new at a glance.

If you can’t find your answers using the self-help pages, please contact our Customer Relationship Management team.

Your front page

On the front page there is the overview: your account number; the statement number and date; the service totals for the period covered by the statement.

Your front page (reverse)

Here you’ll find a Glossary of terms and a list of FAQs to help you understand the document. There are also details about how to contact us.

Summary section

All the charges for the products you have from us are summarised in this section.

You might notice that some product descriptions have changed. This is because we’ve standardised our products across the 21 European countries in which we work. There have been no alterations to your service as a result of that change.

Details section

This is where you’ll find a detailed breakdown of all the charges that relate to the products you buy from us as well as your billing details.

You won’t find individual voice calls itemised on our invoices because that would mean using up too much paper. We are working hard to be environmentally friendly, so if you want to check through an itemised list then you can do it online. To register for Colt Online please click here